Friday, September 13, 2013

Quick First Take On Google Trends For Automotive Dealer SEO

Google recently released GoogleTrends.  This tool shows you what search terms are currently trending, allowing you to determine additional search trends that will help with your Automotive SEO efforts. 

As Google adds more and more tools, you can gain a greater insight to what is happening online daily, and this can greatly influence what you add to a dealer site.  So far I’ve found the most helpful piece to be the Keyword Search.  It allows you to see the volume of a keyword set as well as upcoming trends.

Taken straight from Google Help:
On the results page, you'll see:
·         a graph with the search volume, indicating interest over time (GMT) for your terms, plotted on a scale from 0 to 100; the totals are indicated next to bars by the search terms (read more about how we scale and normalize the data)
·         a breakdown of how the categories are classified
·         lists of the top searches and top rising searches
·         a world heat map graphically displaying the search volume index with defined regions, cities, and metros
Keep in mind that Trends uses data aggregated over millions of users without personally identifiable information. Additionally, it only shows results for search terms that receive a significant amount of traffic, and enforces minimum thresholds for inclusion in the tool.”

Creating a search
You can put in a series of search terms or topics to view popularity of any term, topic, or word.  Today, Putin and Syria would most likely be in the top topics above all other information being published.  As far as the car industry goes, you can see that one brand is coming in ahead of the pack - Ford.

The following results were generated after putting in the term “used cars.”

Regional Interest
Here we can see in what areas the search term is used in the highest volume.  You can pair down this data from national to metro or city.

The most interesting part of this tool is the Related Searches section.  You can see what other top keywords are being used and what related words are trending.  In this case, AutoNation has seen +80% increase in trending in the last 90 days, and has seen a trend of +50%.
The Top Charts area shows the Ford Mustang and Ford F-Series are the most searched for cars in general. But by using the new trending option, you can discover there’s spiking interest in the Tesla Roadster & the Mini:

I have only started playing with this tool, but I think that it will be a valuable resource for my team at Chumney & Associates moving forward. 

Tony Weaver is an Automotive Internet Marketing Specialist.  He can be reached by contacting Chumney & Associates at 864-297-7022, or you can email him at